Michael Weinig AG
OPC UA WoodWorking Companion Specification
The Project and Customer
In 2021, basysKom supported the WEINIG Group during the standardization of the OPC UA Woodworking Companion Specification (WWCS) and a parallel product development implementing this specification based on the open62541 stack.
About the Client
The WEINIG Group is the world’s largest manufacturer of machines and systems for solid wood processing. In 2020/21, a joint EUMABOIS and VDMA working group developed a first OPC UA companion specification for the woodworking industry. WEINIG is a founding member of this group. The result is OPC 40550-1 – UA for Woodworking Part 1 – Vertical Interface which has been published during the LIGNA.Innovation event in September 2021. It has also been part of the umati initiative since then.

OPC UA companion specifications provide standard information models, which enable seamless interoperability and easier integration between machines and systems implementing a given companion specification. They are essential for achieving efficient and scalable industrial automation.
The WEINIG Group has enlisted our team to support them in the standardization phase of the Woodworking Companion Specification and a parallel product development.


basysKom provided the WEINIG Group with technical support in several important areas, drawing on our experience with OPC UA and the open62541 stack.
- Consulting on OPC UA modelling and overall experience with the technology
- Consulting on how to best utilize the open62541 stack
- Continuous prototyping efforts during the draft phase of the WWCS
- Upstreaming of bugfixes for issues found in open62541 during the implementation of the various draft releases
- Development of custom client-/server-components for the final WWCS based on the open62541 stack and Qt OPC UA
As a result of this continuous process, WEINIG was able to offer products with WWCS support the same day as the WWCS was published.
basysKom is an official commercial support partner for the open62541 project and the maintainer of the Qt OPC UA module. basysKom is umati partner since May 2021.
We have worked with customers from various industries to help with OPC UA efforts, offering technical consulting (system-/software-architecture, OPC UA modelling, feasibility studies and prototyping), training and coaching (OPC UA, open62541, Qt OPC UA) as well as development services focused around these areas.