The software experts at basysKom GmbH offer companies from the capital and consumer goods sector the implementation of innovative applications, comprehensive consulting, practice-oriented coaching and qualified training. Our customers especially appreciate our agile way of working, the transparent processes and our high standards.
Based on our own knowledge and our extensive experience we are convinced of the advantages of open source software for our customers. We are a strong and well connected team, we identify strongly with our field of activity and offer over ten years of experience in Qt/QML. As a result of flat hierarchies and excellent networking between our teams, we are able to offer an optimal flow of information and an extensive portfolio which exceeds far beyond of what any single individual can provide.
For many years we have been building on a very close and trusting cooperation with our customers and take full responsibility for your project.
basysKom GmbH is part of UX Gruppe, headquartered in Gilching near Munich.

Innovation Leaders

Heike Ziegler
Managing Director

Alexander Sorg
Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Eva Brucherseifer
Research & Innovation

Jeremias Bosch
Technical Project Management

Frank Meerkötter
Development Lead
At a glance

Founded in 2004 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Brucherseifer as a solutions provider for Qt
35 Employees

at two locations, including 30 developers

Headquarter in Darmstadt, offices in Nuremberg
We see ourselves as enablers for innovative and state-of-the-art products. By continuously scouting the latest technological trends and consequently transferring know-how to all of our basysKom team member, we accomplish a high level of maturity when it comes to implementing technologies in your projects.
Our employees are Qt-certified and among them are certified Scrum masters and product owners.
Our work focuses on the implementation of customer applications in C++, Qt, Flutter, web and cloud-based technologies. Since our inception, we have maintained a strong connection with Qt and Embedded Linux and we have been successful in developing for embedded devices from the beginning.
We focus on open source innovation, state-of-the-art engineering and agile project management. Furthermore, we support the complete lifecycle and offer experience from many projects with legacy source code.
Thanks to countless successfully implemented customer projects, we have answers to all of your questions and know which technology can be applied at the right time. This way we develop innovative and sustainable solutions hand-in-hand with our customers.

Qt Service Partner
Qt is the leading cross platform C++ framework for developing applications and HMI for desktop, mobile and embedded technologies. Qt is an open source software that was developed by The Qt Company and The Qt Project. basysKom was founded to offer Qt-services and has been an official Qt-service partner since 2004. We are active contributors to Qt.

Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation creates sustainable open source ecosystems by offering financial and intellectual support, infrastructure, services, events and training.
Embedded Linux is an important part of many basysKom projects. We strongly believe in open source software and have been awarded a “Silver Membership“ by the Linux Foundation.

OPC UA is a distributor-independent communication framework which originated in the manufacturing and controlling industries and was developed by the OPC UA Foundation and its members. Its aim is to achieve interoperability between sensors, devices and machines.
basysKom GmbH is showing its commitment to OPC UA by developing Qt OPC UA and other contributions to the open62541 project.

open62541 is an independent open source implementation of IEC62541/OPC UA which has been developed under the patronage of basysKom plays an important role in this project and is officially a commercial support partner.

umati (universal machine technology interface) is a community of the mechanical engineering industry and its customers dedicated to promoting and disseminating open, standardized interfaces based on OPC UA.
basysKom supports the standardization of interfaces in mechanical engineering, as it enables a focus on the essential aspect, which is the application itself.