basysKom AnwendungsEntwicklung

The digital transformation and smart products
Essential Summary
Digital transformation and smart products: The world around us is getting smarter and smarter and the Internet of Things continues to make its way into work and everyday life. And so there is hardly a product in the meantime where a technology-oriented person does not ask himself: „Is there an app for this?


Digital transformation and smart products: The world around us is getting smarter and smarter and the Internet of Things continues to make its way into work and everyday life. And so there is hardly a product in the meantime where a technology-oriented person does not ask himself: “Is there an app for this?

Smart products at basysKom

Working at basysKom is correspondingly exciting. We want to help our customers to make their products more intelligent and attractive. A special focus is of course on HMIs and our technical know-how. And so, of course, Qt, cloud computing and human-machine interfaces play an important role for us. However, the success of a customer project is not only decided by the product design and the quality of the technical implementation. A deep understanding of user needs, the market situation and innovative business models are also the basis for the successful creation of a smart product.

We at basysKom and within the UX Group pursue a thematically holistic approach in supporting our customers – no matter if it is about software implementations or help with the digital transformation of their products.

For me, as a person with a strong technical and scientific background, this was also the motivation for me to start a part-time study at the WiSo-Fakultät of the Friedrich-Alexander University in Nuremberg. With this in mind, I would like to present a few thoughts on the business aspect of creating smart products in my following blog entries.

Picture of Torsten Rahn

Torsten Rahn

Torsten is employed as a Qt Specialist by basysKom. He has spearheaded Qt in various projects across different industries already. In addition to that Torsten has been an active member of the KDE community and launched his own Qt-based Open Source Project "Marble Virtual Globe" in 2006. Torsten has a Diplom degree in physics and studied at the University of Kiel. He lives in Nuremberg, Germany.

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